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Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Library
ATSILIRN Conference 2-3 August 2005
Alex Byrne | |
Click here for Alex Byrnes' presentation and discussion paper |
Dr Alex Byrne is the President-elect 2003-2005
of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA
-, will be President 2005-2007 and chaired IFLA's
Committee on Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression
1997-2003. Dr Byrne co-authored the Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Protocols for Libraries, Archives and Information Services (ALIA
for ATSILIRN, 1995).
In addition, he has led the development of
a number of IFLA statements and declarations, including the IFLA Internet
Manifesto, the Glasgow Declaration on Libraries, Information Services and
Intellectual Freedom and the IFLA Statement on Open Access to Scholarly
Literature and Research In his day job, Alex is the University Librarian and Vice President (Alumni & Development) pro tem at the University of Technology, Sydney. UTS Library is recognised to be one of the leaders in the development of digital libraries in Australia and launched a digital press, UTSePress, in January 2004. |
Simon Flagg | |
Simon Flagg is of Wamba Wamba and Wathaurong
descent and commenced in the recently established position of Koorie
Reference and Indexing Officer in October 2004. This position is a new
joint venture between the Public Records Office of Victoria and the
National Archives of Australia with Simon working for both organisations
at the Victorian Archives Centre. Simon previously worked on the National
Archives' Bringing Them Home Name Indexing Project for 3 years.
Di Hosking | |
Di has worked at AIATSIS since 1987 in a number of roles. She has worked as Collection Manager, Recorded Sound (Linguistics and Oral History) and Linguistics Research Fellow. In 1998 she became the Director of the Audiovisual Archives. She has undertaken research on the Wiradjuri language with Sally McNicol and has been an strong advocate for Indigenous languages for two decades. Di manages the AIATSIS audiovisual collection of some million items, comprising audio, photographic, film, video, artworks and artefacts and has been concerned with the digitisation and electronic access to these materials in a culturally appropriate manner for many years. She has represented AIATSIS in a number of forums including membership of the Australian Research Council Review of Applied Linguistics Committee, the NSW Aboriginal Languages Research and Resource Centre Advisory Committee and is a current member of the Australian Memory of the World Committee. Di’s interests include Australian Indigenous and Asian languages, the dialogue between the various stakeholders in Indigenous knowledge; from the Ministerial level to the Indigenous community/individual level. Finally, like AIATSIS Deputy Principal Bronwyn Nimmo, she loves cats and the Port Adelaide Football Club – and, of course, her family.
Jackie Huggins | |
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Jackie is the Deputy Director of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit at the University of Queensland and is currently the Co-Chair of Reconciliation Australia. She is a Council Member of the Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies and was a member of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Review Panel. She is a Director of the Telstra Foundation and Chain Reaction Foundation. She was a former Executive Member on the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation (1994-2000), the former Chair of the Queensland Domestic Violence Council (2001) and Board Member of the State Library of Queensland. Jackie was a Commissioner for Queensland for the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families. She is also a member of the Indigenous Forum of the Australian Youth Foundation. Jackie has published widely on Australian Indigenous issues, in particular history and women’s studies. She authored Auntie Rita (with Rita Huggins 1994) and Sistergirl (1999). In 2000 she received the Premier’s Millenium Award for Excellence in Indigenous Affairs and in 2001 was awarded an AM for her work with Indigenous people, particularly reconciliation, literacy, women’s issues and social justice Click here to link to Jackie Huggins' paper
David Kukutai Jones | |
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David Kukutai Jones is Māori from Aotearoa – New Zealand and his tribal affiliations are Ngāti Mahanga and Ngāti Maniapoto iwi. He is the Māori specialist in the Alexander Turnbull Library which is a research and archival library within Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa National Library of New Zealand. David assists the library in the management of and access to, it’s Māori materials. He is the Tumuaki (President) of Te Rōpū Whakahau, a professional association for all Māori working in libraries, archives and information management, a Māori Trustee on the Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand (LAGANZ) Trust and a representative on Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa (LIANZA) Council. David is also assisting in the development of an International Indigenous Librarian’s Council. David is passionate about the unique contribution which Māori and Indigenous people worldwide, can make in the management of our countries’ treasures in libraries, archives and repositories of memory. |
He Māori a David Kukutai Jones no Aotearoa, ā, he uri nō Ngāti Mahanga me Ngāti Maniapoto. Koia te Kaitiaki, Kohikohinga Māori ki roto i te Whare Pukapuka o Alexander Turnbull, he whare pukapuka rangahau, he whare pukapuka tiaki taonga ki roto i Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa. Ko tāna mahi ko te arataki i te whare pukapuka ki te tiaki i ngā kohikohinga me ngā manuwhiri rangahau. Koia te Tumaki o Te Rōpū Whakahau, he rōpū mō ngā kaimahi Māori katoa e mahi ana i te ao whare pukapuka, i ngā whare tuhituhinga taonga me ngā puna maumahara. He Pou ia ki runga i te poari whakahaere o te Whare Tuhituhinga Taonga Takatāpui o Aotearoa, ā, he mangai hoki ia ki runga i Te Rau Herenga; te rōpū mō ngā kaitiaki pukapuka katoa me nga whare pukapuka katoa o Aotearoa. He kaimahi hoki ia e whakatū ana i tētehi rōpū nui mō ngā Kaitiaki Pukapuka Tangata Whenua o te Ao. E tino whakapono ana a Rewi i te tohungatanga a ngā tangata whenua katoa ki te tiaki i ō rātou taonga i ngā whare pukapuka, i ngā whare tuhituhinga taonga me ngā puna maumahara.
Professor Martin Nakata | |
Professor Martin Nakata is Director of Indigenous Academic Unit at Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, University of Technology Sydney. He is the first Torres Strait Islander to graduate with PhD from an Australian University. His previous work and academic interests in Indigenous education issues and his research interest in Indigenous knowledge areas span 23 years. He has presented many plenary and keynote addresses at national as well as international conference in 5 different countries. His work is widely published in anthologies, academic journals, edited books and national newspapers.
Jennefer Nicholson | |
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Jennefer has spent most of her working life in the
information sector - in advertising, information brokerage, and the
library sector. She started her librarianship career as the first
reference librarian in the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies,
then moved to ANU and then the Commonwealth Parliamentary Library before
moving on to information brokerage and association management. She was
appointed Executive Director of ALIA in September 1999, following five
years as the Deputy Executive Director during which time she secured
government funding for an employment program for Indigenous cadets and
trainees, and for the Indigenous Communities Online OPAI Project.
Her current board and committee representation includes director of Innovation and Business Skills Australia, Chair of CREATE Australia, and the executive of the IFLA Section on Management of Library Associations. Jennefer has graduate qualifications in library and information science and in public policy.
Bronwyn Nimmo | |
Bronwyn Nimmo joined AIATSIS in the role
of Deputy Principal Collections on 7 December 2004. She joined the Institute from the Department Of Family and Community Services where she established that Department’s Indigenous Policy Branch where she became the first Aboriginal woman Senior Executive Service Officer in that agency. Following a career in Telecom Australia and the Department of Social Security, Ms Nimmo returned to study and graduated in the mid nineties with a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts from the University of Adelaide, where she tutored in Criminal Law and Evidence. She was admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of South Australia in 1994 and practised as Barrister within the criminal jurisdiction. Ms. Nimmo returned to the Australian Public Service to manage the amalgamation of the Department of Administrative Services and the Department of Finance in 1996 for some 7000 staff across South and Western Australia. She then accepted a position in Canberra with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission as Personnel Operations Manager, ultimately managing People and Development nationally for the Commission as well as being a member of that organisation’s Executive Committee. Ms Nimmo was born in Brisbane and her family resides there. Her interests include the study of traditional law and its relevance and application to modern jurisprudence, and the impacts and implementation of dynamic workforce change within the Australian public sector environment. Her loves include her family, her extended family - 2 dogs, four cats, and the Port Adelaide Football Club. |
Hilary Rowell | |
Hilary's duties in the National Archives over the last nine years have included responsibility for issues relating to access to records by Indigenous people, particularly those affected by former government separation policies. Hilary has been involved in particular in the development of the National Archives' Bringing Them Home Name index and in the development of Memoranda of Understanding with Indigenous in the Northern Territory, Victoria and South Australia to facilitate access to records in the National Archives. | |
Roslyn Russell | |
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Roslyn Russell chairs the Assessment Sub-Committee of the Australian Memory of the World Committee. She has helped to develop tools for assessing the significance of movable and documentary heritage, including the first Memory of the World program guidelines (1996) and Significance (Heritage Collections Council, 2001), and has been involved for some years in the historical significance assessment process for the National Library/National Archives Community Heritage Grants program. Roslyn is the author and co-author of a number of books and other publications on Australia’s history and heritage. She also edits two magazines for the museum sector, Museums Australia Magazine and Friends of the National Museum of Australia magazine. Roslyn is one of two new Asia-Pacific representatives to the UNESCO Memory of the World International Advisory Committee. She attended her first IAC meeting in Lijiang, China, in June 2005.
The workshop Presented by Roslyn Russell of the Australian Memory of the World Committee and the Memory of the World International Advisory Committee, this workshop will raise awareness about the assessment process that results in the inscription of significant documentary heritage on the Australian Memory of the World Register. It will take workshop participants through the significance assessment process, and explain what the assessors expect from applicants’ descriptions of the significance of their documentary heritage item or collection.
Rod Stroud | |
Rod Stroud is presently Acting AIATSIS
Library Director. Rod has worked in the Library since 2001 and as Client
Services Manager has been involved with the Family History Unit and
information services to the public. He is particularly interested in
improving access to remote clients and building stronger links amongst
record-holding organisations. Rod previously worked since 1975 in the National Library, mainly in information services, concentrating on family history and later on with online services and the web. |
Rebecca Stubbs | |
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Rebecca is of Weilwan and Bidjara descent and her people are from Warren in Central West NSW and also from Charleville, QLD. Rebecca joined AIATSIS in 2000 as a Library Assistant and has been a Family History Officer in the AIATSIS Family History Unit for the past three years. Working in the Family History Unit, Rebecca feels privileged to be able to make a real, meaningful difference to people. It is a job that can be very emotional but also rewarding and satisfying. Rebecca’s own family has been touched by the past removal policies and she identifies with how important it is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to access the information which has often been kept from them. She is passionate about helping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to rediscover who they are and where they are from. Rebecca is currently studying for a Bachelor of Arts (Library and Information studies) and hopes to be finished at the end of 2005.
Joanne Taylor | |
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Joanne was born and raised in Perth. Her mother’s parents are both Noongar’s from Western Australia’s wheatbelt area, which are the Ballardong people. Joanne’s father’s parents are both Yamatji. Her grandfather’s people are Amangu and her grandmother’s people are Badimaya both from the Murchison area. Before moving to Canberra Joanne worked at the Family Information Records Bureau in Perth assisting people to locate and give access to ‘Native Welfare’ and ‘Community Department’ files. Joanne has worked at AIATSIS as a Family History Officer since September 1999 during her time here she has assisted and seen many people find information and material on their family history, identity and culture. As a result of working in these jobs and being interested in research and records, she is currently completing her studies in a Batchelor of Social Science (Indigenous Services) with a supporting Major in Records Management.
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